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Gentle Hands

Can Restore







Human body is an amazing machine constantly seeking for balance through its innumerous mechanisms of homeostasis.  It is a self-regulating bioenergetic and biomechanical phenomena which will continue to regulate itself for as long as it has the reserve energy necessary to sustain life, by the ongoing process of biological adaptation.

It is composed by bones, muscles, nerves, organs, glands and so many other structures and systems that, at some point, connect to our Central Nervous System (CNS) along our spine and ultimately to our brain.

CNS controls every systems of our body by constantly collecting information and resending instructions back. That’s why any blockages, contortions or misalignments in this “core” structure (composed by 24 spinal vertebras, coccyx, sacrum and pelvic bones along with the jaw and teeth) deeply connected to CNS, can be reflected in any of the muscular, nervous, visceral and endocrine systems and manifested as pain anywhere in the body, headaches, lack of mobility, digestive, breathing or menstrual conditions, low energy levels, confusion, and hundreds of other symptoms.

On the other hand, when the “core” and its associated muscles (and other soft structures as ligaments and tendons) are in balance and functioning optimally as an integrated structural unit, we typically enjoy good energy levels and good health.


This is why Spinal Integration techniques are so effective helping the body returning to and maintaining normal homeostatic limits on a daily basis.

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”


How can NST help me?

How can NST help me?

NST can help everyone, from newborns to elders, to resolve a plethora of health problems, both acute and chronic. It is an amazing technique for athletes seeking to improve their performance, to prevent injuries or to recover after intensive exercise. It is wonderful for people looking for a deep relaxation and effective balance of their body.


Once the body is back in balance you will find relief or even complete resolution of the following conditions:

»   Back pain, neck pain and all spinal and structural conditions

»   Hip, Leg, knee, ankle and foot conditions

»   Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand conditions

»   Headaches and migraines

»   Cranial conditions including whiplash

»   TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders

»   Arthritis and joint conditions

»   Accident and sporting injuries/traumas

»   Injuries prevention and improved recovery for athletes (activities, training or high-competition)

»   Digestive and intestinal conditions including colitis or constipation

»   Asthma and respiratory conditions including sinusitis

»   Menstrual, fertility and menopausal conditions

»   Pre and post-natal conditions including urinary disorders

»   Infant and child conditions including bed wetting

»   Acute and chronic fatigue

»   Anxiety, stress and emotional depression

»   Learning disorders


Other conditions that respond favorably to NST are:

»   Fibromyalgia

»   Parkinson’s Disease

»   Multiple Sclerosis

»   TMJ Syndrome

»   Peripheral Neuropathy

»   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

»   Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder

»   Herniated Disks

»   Seizures

NST around the world


Cláudia Gonçalves

Tel: (+351) 91 650 49 42

Leiria - Portugal

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