About the Therapist
Hi! My name is Cláudia and I'm a 35 year old Portuguese Nurse. I graduated from Nursing University in 2005 and worked for 11,5 years in a big hospital back in Portugal.
I started my career at Pediatric Emergency Room, where I worked with different age groups, from newborns to adolescents, for 8 years. I then changed to Adults Emergency Room where I’ve worked for 3,5 years.
Throughout the years I continued to do different trainings, attending seminars and other professional qualification in nursing related subjects.
In 2016 I was feeling that my life wasn’t going anywhere, that I was in an impasse… My nursing job wasn’t making me happy anymore…
The fragmented vision of the human body by traditional occidental medicine and its obsession for cure at all costs made me feel that I was contributing more to people’s pain (with useless procedures) then for their well-being…
Sometimes eminent death is inevitable and, especially in terminal situations, what people need the most is someone that can relieve their pain and give them some comfort and dignity in their last moments!
This started to really affect me… And, as the demand for working faster (due to the constantly bigger inflow of people which stopped me from providing good quality cares) and my frustration levels increased, I started to feel like a robot and the distance with my patients got bigger and bigger...
Until one day I reached my breaking point by realizing the kind of nurse I was transforming myself into…
I then decided to quit my 11,5 year old job! NeuroStructural integration Technique NST Therapy Saint Tropez